What’s new at IHRC

What’s new at IHRC

Salam everyone,

March is drawing to a close and IHRC has a lot of exciting upcoming projects. Look out for the publication date of our latest report on Hate Crime – this time in Canada. At the moment we’re collecting data in the UK again; read on to find out how you can be a part of that.

Please remember that IHRC always needs your support. And even the smallest of donations would be welcomed.

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Make sure to follow us on TWITTER (https://twitter.com/ihrc) to keep up with the latest IHRC news, livetweets from events and more. Like us on FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Islamic-Human-Rights-Commission/109724959498) for other updates and check out our YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/user/IHRCtv) channel for more content!


SURVEY: MUSLIM EXPERIENCES OF HOSTILITY & DISCRIMINATION (https://ihrc.org.uk/activities/projects/10972-survey-muslim-experiences-of-hostility-a-discrimination-uk-2014)

IHRC has refined and is re-running its landmark survey in the UK to assess the levels of hostility, hatred and discrimination that Muslims or those perceived to be Muslim face on a daily basis.

Please help by taking the survey and sharing it with others. It’s really simple and will only take a few minutes!

CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/IHRC_ukhatecrime2)



FILM SCREENING AND Q&A (https://www.ihrc.org.uk/events/10943-film-screening-a-directors-qaa-of-even-the-crows-a-divided-gujarat) :

WHAT: Watch ‘Even the Crows: A Divided Gujarat’ – depicting the Gujarat massacres in 2002 followed by a Q&A with directors Sheena and Sonum Sumaria to discuss the film and their experience (Read the press release (https://ihrc.org.uk/activities/press-releases/10978-press-release-gujarat-anti-muslim-violence-film-to-be-screened) .)

WHEN: 29 March 3 – 5.30pm (watch the livestream (https://ihrc.org.uk/multimedia/live) from 4pm)

WHERE: IHRC Bookshop & Gallery, 202 Preston Road, Wembley, HA9 8PA

AUTHOR EVENING WITH DAN GLAZEBROOK (https://ihrc.org.uk/events/10974-divide-and-ruin-the-wests-imperial-strategy-in-an-age-of-crisis) :

WHAT: Dan Glazebrook joins us for a discussion on his new book ‘In Divide and Ruin’ – where he lays bare the connections between capitalism, militarism and economic crisis today.

WHEN: 26 April 3pm

WHERE: IHRC Bookshop & Gallery, 202 Preston Road, Wembley, HA9 8PA

DOCUMENTARY SCREENING AND Q&A (https://ihrc.org.uk/events/10973-documentary-screening-of-schedule-7-and-discussion-with-filmmaker-roshan-muhammed-salih) :

WHAT: Watch a screening of Roshan Salih Muhammad’s new documentary. It focuses on the terrorism law Schedule 7, which has been used as justification when numerous Muslims in Britain’s airports are stopped and questioned.

WHEN: 29 April 6.45pm

WHERE: IHRC Bookshop & Gallery, 202 Preston Road, Wembley, HA9 8PA


SAUDI HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITMENT MUST BE GENUINE (https://ihrc.org.uk/activities/press-releases/10975–saudi-human-rights-commitment-must-be-genuine)

IHRC remains skeptical about Saudi Arabia’s decision to accept a majority of UN human rights recommendations as their contradictory actions say otherwise.

US HAS BLOOD ON ITS HANDS OVER EGYPT DEATH VERDICTS (https://ihrc.org.uk/activities/press-releases/10977-press-release-us-has-blood-on-its-hands-over-egypt-death-verdicts)

The US-supported Egyptian regime continues its hypocritical prosecution of members of the opposition. Read for more on the decision by an Egyptian court to sentence 529 members of the Muslim Brotherhood to death.

UK ANTI-TERROR LAW AMENDMENTS FAIL TO INCORPORATE KEY SAFEGUARDS (https://ihrc.org.uk/activities/projects/10979-press-release-uk-anti-terror-law-amendments-fail-to-incorporate-key-safeguards)

In the nine years in which IHRC has monitored Schedule 7 – a terrorism law – it has received scores of complaints of the powers being abused by security officials. In 2012-13 ethnic minorities accounted for 79% of all those who were stopped under Schedule 7.


We have some fantastic new  titles for Children, Teens and Women such as:

Cycle of Life: This is a series of booklets which contribute towards an increasing awareness and knowledge of sexual health matters from an Islamic perspective, within the Muslim community. Written by Humera Khan, the founder of An-Nisa society, and beautifully illustrated by Siddiqa Juma. These booklets are produced in consultation with the late Sheikh Syed ad-Darsh,Mohammed Mlamali and Shaikha Halima Krausen and include the following three titles:

ADOLESCENCE (http://shop.ihrc.org/adolescence-a-booklet-on-sexual-health-from-an-islamic-perspective-humera-khan) ,

MARRIAGE (http://shop.ihrc.org/marriage-a-booklet-on-sexual-health-from-an-islamic-perspective-humera-khan)  and WOMEN (http://shop.ihrc.org/women-a-booklet-on-sexual-health-from-an-islamic-perspective-humera-khan) .

Ilyas and The Duck Search for Allah (http://shop.ihrc.org/illyas-duck-search-for-allahomar-khawaja) : Ilyas is a 5-year-old boy with an insatiable appetite for questioning the world around him. Duck is fun-loving and playful yet helps to satisfy Ilyas’s curiosity about the world. Join these two best friends on an exciting adventure to find Allah and see what they discover!

Princess Aziza and the Purple Orchid (http://shop.ihrc.org/princess-azziza-and-the-purple-orchidali-gator) : Princess Aziza must find the purple orchid to help cure her sick mother. Is she strong enough to overcome the challenges she faces? Can she find it and bring it home in time to help her mother get better? Beautifully illustrated with the highest gloss presentation finish. The finest quality production that will stir the emotions of every young girl.

Check out the online shop (http://shop.ihrc.org/books) for what else is currently on stock and get regular updates on twitter by following @ihrcbookshop

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