Court accepts Sheikh El-Zakzaky’s and Mallima Zeenah can travel to India.

Court accepts Sheikh El-Zakzaky’s and Mallima Zeenah can travel to India.

[08.59 London / Abuja time] Updates on Sheikh Zakzaky’s hearing of 5 August can be found here. Keep refreshing the page for latest information.

[11.21, IHRC] To be clear, we await confirmation that Sheikh Zakaky and Mallimah Zeenah have been released according to the court’s instructions, as well as clarity over any conditions imposed. Read our initial press release here.

[10.39] The court has granted Zakzaky and his wife a permission to travel to India for medical treatment

[10.37] Court has accepted to grant bail for Sheikh Zakzaky and Mallimah Zeenah.

[10.26] The judge insists the defendants must be allowed to seek medical treatment because without that there is no they could stand to defend themselves.

[10.24] The judge has dismissed a claim made by the lawyers that the foreign doctors did not work in line with the government’s guidelines.

[10.18] The court has decided that Sheikh Zakzaky can loose his life anytime as a result of a poor health condition.
The court ruled that the government lawyers failed to provide cogent proofs that there was a reliant hospital that can take care of sheikh inside the country.

[9.42] Phones have been barred from the court today, so information release is slow.

[09.15] The counsels are in the court waiting for the judge to arrive

[09.14] The lawyers are now in court.

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