URGENT ALERT: Palestine – Boycott Zionism: In protest of Israel’s bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing against innocent civilians of Gaza

URGENT ALERT: Palestine – Boycott Zionism: In protest of Israel’s bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing against innocent civilians of Gaza

Islamic Human Rights Commission

30 December 2008

URGENT ALERT: Boycott Zionism: In protest of Israel’s bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing against innocent civilians of Gaza

1. Summary
2. Background

1. Summary

In light of the traumatic circumstances in Gaza, where innocent civilians, including women and children are being mercilessly killed from relentless Israeli aerial attacks, IHRC urges campaigners to support the Boycott Israel Campaign to show allegiance to the cause of these helpless victims of Zionist hatred.

Visit Inminds website (http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israel.html and http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.php) for resources on boycotting Israeli products and companies supporting the Zionist entity.

2. Background

On the fourth day of Israel’s renewed bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing against innocent civilians of Gaza, death toll has reportedly reached nearly 400. Around 2000 have been injured.

According to reports doctors are finding it difficult to tend to so many patients, as there are far too few intensive care units, ambulances and other vital equipment compared to the hundreds of injured civilians pouring into the hospitals every day. Many young patients have lost parts of their arms or legs. There is no heating in the hospitals to keep the patients warm. One observer reportedly noted that the morgue of Shifa Hospital, the main one in Gaza, was full and bodies were left in the streets.

Another witness to the destruction in Gaza reportedly said that the city is ‘dead.’ Buildings have been destroyed. Most shops are closed, and electricity comes and goes intermittently. People are living in constant fear and grief. Reports also state that streets are deserted except for bereaved families taking their dead to be buried or the injured being driven to the hospitals.

Richard Falk, Special Rapporteur for human rights in the Palestinian territories, stated in a BBC interview, “Israel is committing a shocking series of atrocities by using modern weaponry against a defenceless population – attacking a population that has been enduring a severe blockade for many months.”

Israel has promised to continue these cold-blooded attacks for weeks to come.

In these traumatic circumstances IHRC urges all campaigners to show support to the helpless Palestinians by taking part in the Boycott Zionism campaign. The Boycott Israel campaign page produced by Innovative Minds is an excellent source for information and resources on boycotting Israeli products and companies supporting Israel.
Please visit: http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israel.html

Campaigners can do the following as part of an active boycott of the Zionist State of Israel:

1) Educate yourselves: Use the Boycott Israel pages on Inminds website to learn more the product and companies to boycott, why to boycott and how the boycott works etc.

2) Start boycotting: Keep a copy of the boycott card with you and start boycotting as many Zionist products as you can. (The boycott card leaflet can be download in PDF form from http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-a4-ramadan-flyer.html)

3) Educate others: Hold small workshops at your local mosque or community centre and inform others about Boycott Israel Campaign. Download the boycott card leaflet and distribute. IHRC can be contacted for guidance about the workshops at the contact details mentioned at the end of this alert.

4) Write letters: For a boycott to be effective, it must be followed up with a letter writing campaign to inform the companies that we are boycotting their products until they stop collaborating with Israel. See Inminds letter writing campaign on http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.php#letters

5) Pickett: Organize a picket in your area. Picketing is a form of public protest and aims to draw attention to the realities of Palestinian suffering by exposing those that help to sustain it. It embarrasses those shoppers that know they shouldn’t be shopping there, informs those shoppers that are not aware of the moral objections as well as irritating supporters of Israel generally. The companies themselves become aware of the protests and news of pickets goes all the way to the top. See Inminds’ guide on picketing to find out if there a picket near you and how to join it. The guide also includes tips on setting up your own picket and legal FAQ on what your rights are when picketing. http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.php#direct


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“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75

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