CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Latest on Nureddin Sirin, Turkey

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Latest on Nureddin Sirin, Turkey

Islamic Human Rights Commission

6th October 2004

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: latest on Nureddin Sirin, Turkey

On 9th September 2004 there was a general amnesty to release all political prisoners in Turkey. However, Nurredin Sirin was excluded from that amnesty. His appeal was turned down on the basis of a report published by the interior ministry that made further false allegations and accused of him being leader of a so-called Islamic terrorist organization.

Nureddin Sirin has been in prison for 7 years for delivering a speech in a public meeting on Quds Day. After delivering his speech he was jailed for 17.5 years on the basis of being member of Lebanese Islamic resistance movement Hezbollah. Now in the report that Interior Ministry had produced against Nureddin Sirin they have accused him of being a leader of another terrorist organization without clarifying how somebody who has been in prison for 7 years can set up a terrorist organization from prison in completely isolated conditions?

We are extremely concerned by the continuous illegal detention of Nureddin Sirin.

We urge everyone to write to the Turkish Ministry protesting against the latest development in this case.

Below are the addresses of persons that you can write to make your protest. .

Minister of the Interior
Mr Abdulkadir Aksu
Ministry of Interior
Içiþleri Bakanligi
06644 Ankara, Turkey
Telegram: Interior Minister, Ankara, Turkey
Fax: + 90 312 418 17 95
Salutation: Dear Minister

Minister of Justice
Mr Cemil Çiçek
Ministry of Justice
Adalet Bakanligi
06659 Ankara, Turkey
Telegram: Justice Minister, Ankara, Turkey
Fax: + 90 312 418 5667
Salutation: Dear Minister

State Minister with responsibility for Human Rights and Foreign Minister
Mr Abdullah Gül
Office of the Prime Minister,
06573 Ankara, Turkey
Fax: + 90 312 417 04 76
Salutation: Dear Minister

National Assembly of the Commission of Human Rights AffairsTürkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
İnsan Haklarını İnceleme Komisyonu
Bakanlıklar 06543 Ankara
Fax: (0.312) 420 53 94
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\”And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.\”

Holy Qur\’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75

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