Forwarded Event Alert: UK – Beyond Guantanamo – Cageprisoners Ramadhan Fundraising Dinner

Forwarded Event Alert: UK – Beyond Guantanamo – Cageprisoners Ramadhan Fundraising Dinner

Forwarded from: Cageprisoners

27 August 2009

Forwarded Event Alert: UK – Beyond Guantanamo – Cageprisoners Ramadhan Fundraising Dinner

Cageprisoners presents

Iftar, auction and fundraising dinner

Sunday 30th August 2009
5.30 pm

Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street, London W8 7NX


Sami El Haj – Al-Jazeera, former Guantanamo prisoner
Mustafa Terry Holdbrooks Jnr – Former US Military Policeman who embraced Islam in Guantanamo
Binyam Mohamed –  Former Guantanamo prisoner, speaking publicly for the first time since his release
Imam Anwar al-Awlaki – Eminent Islamic Scholar (video message)
Ahmed Ghappour – Lawyer for the legal charity Reprieve, who represent over 30 prisoners in Guantanamo
Moazzam Begg – Director, Cageprisoners, former Guantanamo detainee
Yvonne Ridley –  Journalist, Patron, Cageprisoners, speaking about the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and her visit to Bagram
Amir Sulaiman – Acclaimed poet of the spoken word, reciting his works and some poems from Guantanamo
Mustafidh Gani – Shariah Graduate and Teacher

Followed by prayers led by:
Moussa Zemmouri (Former Guantanamo prisoner)

Ramadhan, each year, from 2002-2009 and counting, spent in a cell the size of your toilet. Join us and the men who lived through it at an event that will refuse to let you forget.

{youtubejw width=”560″ height=”340″}v8VTbAk-9E8{/youtubejw}

As one of his first acts as leader of the USA, President Barack Obama ordered the closure of Guantanamo Bay within one year of his presidency. With the following order being the closure of CIA black sites around the world and, a promise to ‘end torture’, many began to hail the new language as a symbolic end of the War on Terror. However, we at Cageprisoners – and the former prisoners and their families – knew the devil was in the detail of what had not been said. The secret and extraordinary renditions programme had not been mentioned; the military detention facilities – like the ones in Abu Ghraib, Kandahar or Bagram – had not been mentioned; and, the proxy detention and torture sites had not been mentioned. To add, it appears that closing Guantanamo before the 20th January 2010 deadline may be too tall an order after all. The fact is that imprisonment without charge or trial is still very much a thing of the present. That is why the work of Cageprisoners remains as crucial today as it was when I was in Guantanamo.

Following last year’s highly successful ‘Another Ramadan’ event Cageprisoners is hosting ‘Beyond Guantanamo’ – our second annual Ramadan iftaar (dinner) on Sunday, 30th August, 2009.

There will also be a presentation summarising the work of Cageprisoners to date as well as a fund-raising auction which will include artwork made by men on control orders, items from Guantanamo (donated by prisoners), artwork produced by award-winning Aerosol Arabic and other pieces especially produced for this event.

Cageprisoners campaigned vigorously for people like me whilst I spent years alone in a cell – not knowing even if Ramadan had come or gone. That is why I joined the organisation. Please help us this Ramadan to transmit to the world the voices of the voiceless.
– Moazzam Begg, Director, Cageprisoners

Nearest Station: Kensington High Street


£45, £35 if you book before 1st August 2009
Limited balcony seating for women only (buffet) – £25

We are pleased to be able to offer you a limited number of seats available at the specially discounted Ramadhan rate. Offer expires Friday 28th August, 10pm.

Book now up til 10pm Friday 28th August and get your seats for as low as £20!

Balcony seats (women only): £20 (was £35)

Standard seating (round tables): £25 (was £45)

Table booking of 10: £225 (was £400)

Creche facilities available – £10 per child


For further information:
07506 824 778

Sponsored by:

The Cordoba Foundation
Tyndallwoods Solicitors
Khan Solicitors
Birnberg Peirce & Partners
Sapna Caterers
Aerosol Arabic
Hittin Institute



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