Act Now

Act Now

Alert: Continue to distribute our boycott leaflets

Summary  We must push even harder to boycott companies supporting the Gaza Genocide and together bring it to an end.     Background  29,000+ Palestinians have been murdered in the Gaza genocide, including over 12,500 children, with another 7,000 thousand Palestinians missing. We must step up

Fly The Flag For Palestine 2025

#Flytheflag and #boycottapartheid campaign Due to popular demand, IHRC and our allies shall once again be doing a #FlyTheFlag campaign where freedom seeking people from around the world raise the flag for Palestine throughout Ramadan. The genocide taking place in Gaza right now, not only

Boycott Israeli Dates During Ramadan 2025

Background IHRC is calling on all Muslims and people of conscience to boycott Israeli dates this Ramadan, to help spread awareness and to combat the sale of them in supermarkets.   Summary One of the top exports of the Zionist entity is dates, which are

Gaza Genocide – Resources

Background The death toll in the Gaza Genocide has exceeded 43,000 and yet the Western powers have only intensified their support for it in the face of a global people’s uprising. The horrors being inflicted on the Palestinians show no sign of letting up. This