This Be the Answer: Poems from Prison Available online at IHRC Shop
Talha Ahsan’s poetry book, ‘This Be the Answer: Poems from Prison,’ is available at the IHRC bookshop and online.
Talha Ahsan’s poetry book, ‘This Be the Answer: Poems from Prison,’ is available at the IHRC bookshop and online.
We have lovely Gifts in store at unbelievable prices just for Ramadan!
The Free Talha Ahsan event will be streaming live on IHRC.TV, watch the event as it unfolds and be part of the human rights campaign.
A recount of the run up to July 2009 in XUAR, providing an eyewitness account of the events and their aftermath.
Islamic Human Rights Commission marks 5 years of detention without trial of Talha Ahsan.
Buy Gifts for your children this Ramadan from IHRC and help support our charity.
Write to the your local MPs and UK’s Foreign-Secretary, William Hague urging them to immediately release Sheikh Raed Salah.
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