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This edition consists of a series of alerts highlighting the human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang province.
This edition consists of a series of alerts highlighting the human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang province.
This edition consists of a series of alerts highlighting the human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang province.
IHRC requests all campaigners to write letters of support and encouragement to Khayrat Al Shater, especially with the month of Ramadan fast approaching.
In light of the escalating violence in Xinjiang, IHRC urgently asks campaigners to send letters to the foreign ministers and Chinese ambassadors in their respective countries.
IHRC is deeply concerned over the escalating violence in Urumqi, Xinjiang, which has now spread to Kashgar.
IHRC event: “The universal theology of liberation – Views from Muslim history”. Speakers include: Dr Mohammad Nasrin Nasir, Dr Dawud Abdullah.
Campaigners are asked to write letters of support to Imam Jamil after his release from “the hole”.
In this edition we have a series of alerts outlining the human rights situations in Palestine, Pakistan, China, Yemen, Sudan, Bahrain, Nigeria, Sudan, UK, and the US.
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