UPDATE ALERT: Bahrain – Five detained human rights activists excluded from general amnesty
Five activists sentenced in July 2008, following demonstrations in December 2007, were excluded from the King’s amnesty.
Five activists sentenced in July 2008, following demonstrations in December 2007, were excluded from the King’s amnesty.
In this Month’s ‘What’s New’, an Alert requesting urgent action for Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed and a demonstration for Binyam on 24 July 2008. We also have an alert on the Sunday Times’s apology on the IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh.
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Human rights activists detained after a demonstration on 17 Dec 2007 have been handed down harsh prison sentences from one to seven years.
In this Month’s ‘What’s New’, an Alert requesting urgent action for Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed and a demonstration for Binyam on 24 July 2008. We also have an alert on the Sunday Times’s apology on the IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh.
Binyam Mohamed is facing a military tribunal at Guantánamo Bay and the death penalty if convicted. Demo opp Downing St on 24 July 2008, 6-8 pm
The Sunday Times newspaper has apologised to the Chair of the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Massoud Shadjareh.
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has received reports that in June 2008 there was an alleged attempt to deport 230 refugees detained at Misratah.
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