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Women's History Month 2021

Children’s Book Launch Join IHRC for a children’s book launch with author, Mariam Hakim, for her new release Jamal the Giant and the Largest Lesson. Pre-order Jamal the Giant from WHEN: Monday, 15 March 2021TIME: 4pm (GMT)WHERE: watch the event LIVE on, Facebook and YouTube. There will also be a GIVEAWAY of 2

Poetry Competition for 2021- Deadline extension

NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE: 05 April 2021 Please note that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the main prize may be postponed, changed or substituted for one chosen by the organisers. The date for final submissions to the 2021 competition is 5th April 2021. The rules, terms and

Nigeria Digest #136

From: Islamic Human Rights Commission07 March 2021Nigeria Digest #136 (Volume 4 issue 7) – Many youths died and injured in last month’s #FreeZakzaky protest.  Take action and write to your country’s Nigerian ambassador / High Commissioner and copy in the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. You can find all

Bookshop Events and Updates

Author Evening with Na’ima B. Robert Join IHRC for an author evening with Na’ima B. Robert who will be discussing her latest book, ‘Show Up: A Motivational Message For Muslim Women’. PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY OF SHOW UPWHEN: Monday, 8 March, 2021TIME: 6pm – 7.30pm (GMT)WHERE: watch the event LIVE