Action Alert: Help IHRC: Iconic IHRC T-Shirt – Long Sleeve, Available to Buy Now
A long sleeve, unisex, version of the iconic IHRC T-shirt is now available. Great for demonstrations or everyday wear.
A long sleeve, unisex, version of the iconic IHRC T-shirt is now available. Great for demonstrations or everyday wear.
Includes contributions from Les Levidow, Mohamad Nasrin Nasir, and Fahad Ansari.
Links to New articles and Media Report Launch notice.
This month there is a launch of an IHRC BMEG report on the media, three UN reports to download, two fresh campaign packs and IHRC’s response to the fifth anniversary of Guantanamo bay.
Prisoner Ali Amen Nader, who was captured in June 2006 by the Yemeni authorities for being the follower of a Shia group, has been killed.
IHRC urges campaigners to contact their local Egyptian embassy and protest against the crackdown on members of the Muslim Brotherhood
The Sunday Times has reported that Isreal is preparating for an air attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities
IHRC calls on all campaigners to contact the Foreign Office or Minsitry of Foreign Affairs in their country and the Russian Embassy to urge for the immediate release of Imam Anton (Abdullah) Stepanenko, imam of Pyatigorsk mosque (Stavropol Territory).
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