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Find out here how to nominate prominent Islamophobes for awards or even just to to book tickets for the fourth IHRC Islamophobia awards in December.
06 September 2006 The Anti-Discrimination Commission in Bulgaria ruled that a school in Smolyan had the right to forbid two girls from wearing the hijab. ——————————————————— Islamic Human Rights Commission ——————————————————— 06 September 2006 URGENT ALERT: Protest Hijab ban in Bulgaria Background On the 28th
The Anti-Discrimination Commission in Bulgaria ruled that a school in Smolyan had the right to forbid two girls from wearing the hijab.
Five ways to help IHRC raise the funds it needs.
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IHRC comment and link to Channel 4 newsbroadcast on revelations from the case on the number and nature of munitions flights to Israel from the US via the UK.
2pm, August 22nd, High Court, The Strand, London, UK
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