Press Release: IHRC welcomes House of Lords ruling on Britain’s Guantanamo Bay
IHRC welcomes House of Lords ruling that detention without trial violates fundamental human rights and calls for immediate release of all detainees
IHRC welcomes House of Lords ruling that detention without trial violates fundamental human rights and calls for immediate release of all detainees
IHRC has produced a model letter for campaigners to send to the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw to protest British complicity in the crimes being perpetrated in Fallujah.
Innovative Minds and IHRC are running an awareness raising campaign regarding Operation Christmas Child (OCC).
IHRC would like to take this opportunity to wish all a very happy Eid ul-Fitr.
Innovative Minds and IHRC are calling on campaigners to contact Oxfam and protest their decision to collaborate with multinational coffee chain Starbucks.
IHRC urges its campainers to take action against recent conviction of Nureddin Sirin.
IHRC urges all campaigners to send letters of support and Eid greetings to Turkish prisoner of faith, Nureddin Sirin.
IHRC is looking for volunteers to help distribute hard copies of its annual newsletter
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