Campaign Update: Keep up the pressure against the French hijab ban
IHRC has been intensively campaigning against the proposed hijab ban in various countries including France. Its current campaign regarding France is being regularly updated.
IHRC has been intensively campaigning against the proposed hijab ban in various countries including France. Its current campaign regarding France is being regularly updated.
08 December 2003 Voici deux exemples de lettres à la disposition des militants francophones qui désirent participer à la campagne pour empêcher le Gouvernement français d’interdire le hidjab dans les endroits publics. COMMUNIQUÉ URGENT : Le Gouvernement français tente d’interdire le hidjab Voici deux exemples
This programme was a wholly inaccurate and biased reflection of the violence in Palestine today.
Voici deux exemples de lettres à la disposition des militants francophones qui désirent participer à la campagne pour empêcher le Gouvernement français d’interdire le hidjab dans les endroits publics.
Campaigners are requested to email / write to / fax the Turkish Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs in their country requesting they advocate for an amnesty for Turkish journalist Nureddin Sirin.
Take action to prevent the proposed bill banning hijab becoming law.
IHRc would like to wish all its supporters a happy and joyous Eid ul-Fitr.
IHRC remains deeply concerned that the leader of the Tehreek-i-Islami Pakistan (ITP), Allama Sajjad Naqvi is still being held in detention by Pakistani authorities after being arrested almost a week ago
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