UK EVENT: March Against Israeli Oppression, London, Sunday, 23rd November 2003
Annual Al-Quds Day March
Annual Al-Quds Day March
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) will have a team of legal and other observers present at the Stop Bush demonstration to take place tomorrow in London, UK.
IHRC is deeply concerned that the BBC has taken the unprecedented step of appointing an advisor cum monitor of its news output regarding the Israeli / Palestinian issue.
This programme gave a clichéd and one-sided view of so-called Palestinian ‘suicide-bombers’, and was made by a team alreadydiscredited as propagandisers for the Israeli regime.
IHRC can report that Mauritian prisoner of faith, Cehl Meeah was released from custody today, a free man after almost three years incarceration on trumped up charges.
As a result of the British postal strikes (now ended) there may be some delays to deliveries so please make your orders as soon as possible so that we can get the merchandise to you in time for Eid.
Take a few minutes to answer 11 questions for a research project on global perceptions of the USA before and after 9/11, and the impact of its policies on ideas of peace and conflict amongst non-Americans.
All charges against Cehl Meeah relating to the ‘Gorah Isaac’ murders have been dropped based on the unreliability of the witness against him.
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