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December Updates

IHRC Bookshop have a few announcements to make, including a couple of upcoming events. Islamophobia Conference 2020 Join IHRC and DIN (Decolonial International Network) for the seventh annual Islamophobia Conference: The Attacks on Civil, Human and Political Rights for Muslims in Europe. Chairing the event will

Demand FCO make representations to the Myanmar government

IHRC urges campaigners to write to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to put pressure on the governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh to bring justice for the Rohingya. Background Requested Action Model Template Recipient addresses Background The persecution of Rohingyas has been ongoing for decades;

Yemen Campaign

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”27159″ img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text] IHRC has been campaigning on behalf of the people of Yemen since 2015 when the political and military crisis escalated in the country. According to United Nations estimates, more than 24 million people, around 80% of the population, are in need

November Updates

IHRC Bookshop & Gallery has a few announcements. Abbasid History Podcast IHRC are proud sponsors of the Abbasid History Podcast. The next episode of the podcast will be on 7th November featuring guest, Dr. Laury Silvers, who will talk about her crime fiction quartet, ‘The