Media Monitoring: BBC News on-line
Please complain to BBC news online about the following articles:
‘Iraq curfew lifted for Ramadan’ 26 October 2003
‘Rabbis back Israeli \’guard pigs\’ 28 October 2003
Please complain to BBC news online about the following articles:
‘Iraq curfew lifted for Ramadan’ 26 October 2003
‘Rabbis back Israeli \’guard pigs\’ 28 October 2003
A quick guide to activism and resources for this Ramadan, for all campaigners.
This Ramadan, Innovative Minds and the Islamic Human Rights Commission have launched a \”Ramadan Boycott For Justice\” campaign.
This Ramadan, Innovative Minds and the Islamic Human Rights Commission have launched a \”Ramadan Boycott For Justice\” campaign.
IHRC and Arani & Co. Solicitors have produced a second leaflet detailing the rights of people living in the UK regarding recent developments under anti-terrorist and immigration legislation.
Download a copy of IHRC\’s annual newsletter or request a hard copy. Volunteer to distribute
IHRC would like to congratulate all its campaigners for taking part in the campaign to free Dr Hassan Turabi.
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