New Resources: Dr. S.R. Ameli’s latest PowerPoint on-line, Book by Cehl M. Fakeemeeah available to buy.
Check out the new resources by acclaimed academic Saied Reza Ameli and the new book by Prsioner of Faith Cehl Fakeemeeah.
Check out the new resources by acclaimed academic Saied Reza Ameli and the new book by Prsioner of Faith Cehl Fakeemeeah.
Sisters, Nurilhak and Nurcihan Saatcioglu, former prisoners of faith, have been detained once more.
Details of the PIcket, Rally and Demo at the Labour Party Conference, and recent additions to the IHRC website.
The campaign for Nureddin Sirin enters a critical phase.
Details of Saturday\’s march and IHRC\’s Campaigning for Palestine workshop.
IHRC is currently in the process of moving offices. As a result we will be closing for the week beginning 1st September 2003. Please click here for our contact details during this period.
INTERPAL [A British based charity organisation helping Palestinians in
need]- Needs Your Help.
IHRC issues this urgent alert to protest against the UK visit of anti-Muslim Hindu hate-leader Nerendra Modi, BJP Chief Minister of Gujarat (India), to address London-based Hindu supporters.
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