What’s New at www.ihrc.org?
New material added to the website aside from alerts and press releases include many article and briefings. The following are links to and reviews of just some.
New material added to the website aside from alerts and press releases include many article and briefings. The following are links to and reviews of just some.
Read some of the press coverage of the event and read the list of winners.
IHRC desperately needs to find larger office accommodation and we are urgently appealing to you to help us meet this need.
IHRC has received reports that Nuredin Sirin is once again being subjected to torture.
It is urgent and vital that all volunteers make clear our protests and concerns over Mossad activity in Britain and the co-operation received from the UK government.
Islamic Human Rights Commission presents \’The Annual Islamophobia Awards\’, an unparalleled night of fun and entertainment!
Monday night witnessed the killing of 13 civilian protesters by US occupying forces in the town of Falluja, west of Baghdad.
IHRC calls upon the Government to recognise the incident in question, as with others in a similar vein, as a specifically Islamophobically-motivated hate crime.
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