UK Event: Zionists set to celebrate 55 years of murder
Zionists are set to celebrate ‘Yom Ha’atzmaut’ Israel’s Independence on Wednesday 7th May 2003 at the Wembley Conference Centre. IHRC is organising a demonstration…
Zionists are set to celebrate ‘Yom Ha’atzmaut’ Israel’s Independence on Wednesday 7th May 2003 at the Wembley Conference Centre. IHRC is organising a demonstration…
The World Federation of KSIMC Jamaats have organised a mass fund raising campaign for Iraq across London
As events develop apace, IHRC has as usual been producing a variety of press releases, briefings and compiling articles.
IHRC has launched a counselling and referral service aimed to provide professional advice and support for victims of such abuse.
The National Union of Students has outraged moral and political sensibilities by allowing Shimon Peres to speak at its annual conference.
The former Conservative leader William Hague has smeared Arabs and Muslims in an article in The Spectator entitled \’The resentments of old Europe\’ (March 8, 2003)
Three London based events on 27th, 28th and 29th March 2003.
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