UK Stop the War Events: London, Birmingham, Swansea, Dewsbury for forthcoming week
Please try and support these events.
Please try and support these events.
This email gives details of recent additions to the IHRC website regarding the impending war, Palestine and the anti-terrorist camapign in the UK.
IHRC are looking to recruit regional and local coordinators (Volunteers) who would be responsible for IHRC promoting IHRC activities within their area.
Popular Muslim politician Cehl Fakeermeeah held on remand for two and half years, subjected to further constitutional and human rights violations. Fear also surrounds the impossibility of a fair trial.
IHRC has produced an updated letter to British Prime Minister Tony Blair MP, demanding there be no war on Iraq.
IHRC is deeply concerned regarding the following case and urges campaigners to write to the Pardon and Parole Board involved.
We are looking for helpers to help us in research work that we need to have undertaken urgently.
IHRC needs volunteers to help distribute campaign material at the above demonstration.
+44 208 904 4222
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