Act Now

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Alert: Kashmir – Demand Secretary General of UN take action

IHRC asks campaigners to write to the Secretary General of the UN and ask to take effective measures against the Indian BJP government. Contents Background Action RequiredModel TemplateRecipient Address Background On August 5, the Indian government withdrew Article 370 of India’s constitution, which gave the disputed

Alert: India – Write to UN to protect Muslim rights in India

IHRC calls upon all campaigners to write to Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief to urge the Indian government to stop the state-sanctioned violence and persecution against Muslims. Background  Requested Action Model letter Recipient Addresses Background India has

Reporting Muslims and Coronavirus. A complaint to the BBC

As Massoud Shadjareh recounted in his video of 7 August (see below), IHRC has written a complaint letter to the BBC regarding their coverage of the coronavirus crisis with regard to Muslims. A copy of the letter can be read under the video. Please take