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Nigeria Digest # 131

Armed Police detained 3 injured casualties, from last month’s Ashura attack

Alert: Kashmir – Urge UN to take action against violations in Kashmir

IHRC asks campaigners to write to the Secretary General of the UN and ask to take effective measures against the Indian BJP government. Contents Background Action RequiredModel TemplateRecipient Address Background On August 5 2019, the Indian government withdrew Article 370 of India’s constitution, which gave the

September Updates

  We have a webinar event on Saturday 12 September in which we will discuss: NORMALISATION: Israel’s strategy for occupation Speakers: â€¢ Massoud Shadjareh â€¢ Mick Napier• Dr Marwa Osman• Stephen Sizer â€¢ Haim Bresheeth Time: 5:00 pm UKLive on Facebook and YouTube JOIN US IN OUR FREE EVENT Al-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyya (415 Hadiths on the Beauty & Perfection of the