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Things to do in Isolation #9 – Ramadan reminders

As the first week of Ramadan comes to an end, here are a few resources to keep the daily reminders going for all ages. A Qur’anic word a day Firstly we highly recommend you subscribe to Arabiq Online’s Qur’anic Word of the Day email list

ALERT: India – Stop state-sanctioned violence against Muslims

IHRC calls upon all campaigners outside India to write to their Member of Parliament, asking them to urge your government to demand the Indian government to stop the state-sanctioned violence against Muslims. Background  Requested Action Model letter Recipient Addresses Background India has been gripped by

Sheikh Zakzaky

ALERT: Nigeria – Demand authorities release Sheikh Zakzaky and Muallima Zeenah

IHRC’s Free Zakzaky campaign asks campaigners to continue demanding that the Nigerian authorities release Sheikh El-Zakzaky, Muallima Zeenah and all those detained during and since the Zaria massacre of 2015 from the Islamic Movement. Background Requested Action Model email Recipient Addresses Background The current Covid-19 pandemic crisis

Contents of a Ramadan prisoner pack

Reflecting on Isolation #8

Keeping our spirits up with Ramadan fast approaching may be challenging for many of us. Let’s take some time to reflect, focus on the positives, and see what lessons we can draw from this period of isolation. Watch: Read: Below is an extract from Talha

ALERT: Kashmir – Demand OHCHR take action for Kashmir against Covid-19

IHRC is deeply concerned regarding the coronavirus situation in Kashmir with fears of disastrous consequences given the recent cases of infection. Background Requested Action Model Template Recipient Addresses Background Hospitals in Indian controlled Kashmir do not have an adequate amount of doctors and paramedics, whilst

Alert: Rohingya – Demand Bangladesh safeguard camps against Covid-19

IHRC are deeply concerned that a potential corona outbreak can cause fatal consequences in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Home to over a million Rohingyan refugees, Cox’s Bazaar is the world’s largest refugee camp and fears are arising that the overcrowding can exacerbate a coronavirus outbreak.