Nigeria Digest #116
Free sanitizers distributed by Zakzaky campaigners
Keeping our spirits up with Ramadan fast approaching may be challenging for many of us. Let’s take some time to reflect, focus on the positives, and see what lessons we can draw from this period of isolation. Watch: Read: Below is an extract from Talha
IHRC is deeply concerned regarding the coronavirus situation in Kashmir with fears of disastrous consequences given the recent cases of infection. Background Requested Action Model Template Recipient Addresses Background Hospitals in Indian controlled Kashmir do not have an adequate amount of doctors and paramedics, whilst
IHRC are deeply concerned that a potential corona outbreak can cause fatal consequences in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Home to over a million Rohingyan refugees, Cox’s Bazaar is the world’s largest refugee camp and fears are arising that the overcrowding can exacerbate a coronavirus outbreak.
Ramadan is a week away. This blog post provides some suggestions for books, reading material and videos to get you prepared for this holy month and for you to share. In Inherited Prejudices: Modern Orientalists and Their Delusions Regarding the Qur’an, Mohamad Nasrin Nasir looks
Background Requested Action Model email Recipient Addresses Background On April 9, the president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari gave pardon to 2500 prisoners in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pardon includes prisoners aged over 60 and those suffering from severe health conditions. Whilst IHRC
Our latest blog provides direct links to Homeschooling material from our site and other sources. Those of you having to homeschool your children under lockdown conditions may be finding it a challenge. IHRC already have many lesson plans available created by and for the Genocide
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