Nigeria Digest #102
Two more Zakzaky protesters killed by Police
Background Requested Action Model template Background The Free Zakzaky campaign asks campaigners to demand the International Criminal Court (ICC) to expedite its processes in order to guard against the possibility of vital evidence and witnesses being eliminated in an attempt to undermine justice in the
The Free Zakzaky campaign asks campaigners to continue demanding that the Nigerian authorities release Sheikh El-Zakzaky, Mallima Zeenah and all those detained during and since the Zaria massacre of 2015 from the Islamic Movement. Background Requested Action Model email Recipient addresses Background The Free Zakzaky
Write to two more Muslim leaders this week demanding they support the Uighurs.
Write letters and emails to the Foreign Minister of your country urging them to condemn the unlawful actions of India in Kashmir.
China: Demand OIC, NAM and African Union take action for the Uighurs Summary Background Action Summary IHRC is calling on campaigners to demand key Muslim countries, non-aligned countries (NAM), the OIC and relevant international organisations demand China ends its persecution of the Uighurs. Many Muslim
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