Act Now

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Eid ul-Adha Mubarak!

Our heartfelt thanks for all your support. May Allah SWT bless you and your family in abundance and help us rise to the challenge of fighting injustice everywhere. Ameen. Please remember the oppressed in your du’a. From all at IHRC.

Speculation regarding the release of Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky

There has been a lot of speculation regarding the release of Sheikh El-Zakzaky.  This speculation has so far been inaccurate and has been very unhelpful at a time of sensitive negotiations.  We kindly ask for everyone to refrain from such speculation or spread such speculation

Help Support the Oppressed However You Can – Qurbani 2019

Dhul Hijjah Message from IHRC Chair, Massoud Shadjareh Salamun alaykum, Dear Respected Brothers and Sisters We pray that this communication finds you in good health and Iman. We are in the blessed ten days of Dhul Hijjah, in which our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said “There

For the kids (young and old) on Hajj and for Eid.

Dear Friend, Salam, For the kids (young and old) on Hajj and for Eid. We pray this finds you well. The annual Hajj is almost upon us.  We have a number of books that help explain this most important facet of Islamic life to our

Qurbani 2019 – Remember Nigeria

We pray this finds you in the best of health and iman.  I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to ask you consider our Nigeria Qurbani campaign this year. The cost of one share in Nigeria is: £75.  You can donate here.

Updated Action after the Court hearing of Sheikh El-Zakzaky

[Originally posted 29 July] Scroll down for a narrative of today’s hearing. Watch the video and follow the links below for the latest campaign updates. Campaign Materials Write to your Minister of Foreign Affairs Five things to know and do for Sheikh El-Zakzaky Narrative from