Act Now

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Support the students who have taken a stance against genocide!

Background Across the World students have taken a stand against the Genocide in Gaza, by demanding that their universities break all links with the Apartheid. These brave students, who have built encampments on their campuses, have been threatened, slandered and even physically attacked, yet have

Quds Day 2024

The annual Quds Day Rally will be taking place on Friday 5th April at 3pm, outside the Home Office. 2 Marsham Street Westminster London SW1P 4DF   Current supporting organisations: 5Pillars, Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission, Ahlulbayt Sisters Association, Black Lives Matter Coalition UK, CAMPAIN, Convivencia Alliance,

ASEAN must take punitive measures over Rohingya Genocide

Background The continuation of refugees attempting to escape from Arakan, Myanmar, often trapped in boats for weeks, has shown that the genocide is not ending.  The Rohingya are still in such a desperate situation that they are willing to do anything to flee the conditions

Fly The Flag For Palestine 2024

#Flytheflag and #boycottapartheid campaign Due to popular demand we shall once again be doing a #FlyTheFlag and #boycottapartheid campaign where freedom seeking people from around the world raise the flag for Palestine in the last week before Quds Day. It is important to make sure