Act Now

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Alert – Boycott Companies Supporting the Gaza Genocide

Summary  As the Gaza Genocide continues without any sign of ending, the need for boycotting the Zionist war machine has become more urgent than ever. Although there are many companies that we should boycott, IHRC is providing a new leaflet targeting those directly involved in this

Boycott Genocide

Israel is committing genocide right now, openly in front of the world. Our governments are refusing to support a ceasefire to end the genocide, instead they are cheer leading the slaughter, providing arms and political cover so that Israel can continue exterminating Palestinians with impunity.


Attending Protests

Please watch / read through the following to be up-to-date on what powers can and can’t be used against protestors at demonstration in the UK.   VIDEO: WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE ARRESTED AT A DEMONSTRATION              View this

Licensed from

ALERT – Rohingya: Demand ASEAN take action  

  Summary  Write to the Foreign Ministers Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei demanding they use their influence within ASEAN to help the Rohingya.     Background  Since the 1982 Citizenship of Burma Act passed, the Rohingya have has their citizenship status stripped.  This intensely increased the persecution

ALERT – Palestine Campaign Actions

The past two weeks have been horrifying to witness, as Gaza is pummelled by the Israeli forces.  IHRC has produced many campaign actions for Palestine, and support for those who are campaigning.  They are linked below. Summary   The past two weeks have been horrifying

Wembley Stadium

Alert- UK / Palestine: Demand the Football Association ends bias on Gaza

  Summary      The Football Association (FA) holds minute silence at England game for those killed in Israel and Brussels, whilst ignoring Palestinians being massacred in Gaza. Write to them and demand they accept all lives are equal.   Background     On Tuesday 17th October the England