Action Alert: Bahrain/UN – Demand that Pakistan and OIC desist in supporting Bahrain’s application to UN human rights body
Leaked documents obtained by IHRC show that Bahrain seeks seat at UN Human Rights Council.
Leaked documents obtained by IHRC show that Bahrain seeks seat at UN Human Rights Council.
Nasser bin Hamad al-Khalifah must not be allowed to attend the Olympic Games in London.
Tony Blair Demonstration, tonight at Arsenal FC
Event Alert: Extradition Screening film at IHRC
Nine Bahraini medical staff sentenced on 14 June for having treated protesters.
The Second Annual Corin Redgrave Memorial Event organised by the Peace and Progress Party
IHRC Needs YOUR help on Al-Quds Day this year. Attend our meeting and find out how you can join us.
Protests kick off during UN Earth Summit in Rio due to racist group’s participation.
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