Action Alert: Bahrain – Write letters demanding the release of Dr Abduljalil al-Singace
The case of al-Singace – jailed since 22 June 2011 – has been ignored in the West.
The case of al-Singace – jailed since 22 June 2011 – has been ignored in the West.
Citizens International asks all campaigners to take action on the plight of the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in prison.
Poetry Evening with Sanasino on Tuesday 12 June.
Browse the latest material on the ihrc.org.uk.
Join the Campaign against more war in the Middle East and encourage your leaders to do the same!
Ask your MP to ask a question about Mushaima in the House of Commons.
There is still time to stop Formula One’s race to legitimise torture and oppression
The Islamic Human Rights Commission launches its latest questionnaire for the “Muslim Experiences of Hatred, Hostility & Discrimination” project for Muslims living in Canada.
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