Check the latest IHRC campaign material, and watch “Decolonising the Holocaust”
Become a signatory to the letter put together by the IHRC and signed by prominent activists to condemn the war in the Middle East.
Become a signatory to the letter put together by the IHRC and signed by prominent activists to condemn the war in the Middle East.
The Universal Justice Network (UJN) and Charter 3:103 note with alarm the disturbing news of the sectarian attack committed against the Muslim community in Belgium.
Join the Campaign against more war in the Middle East
Check out the latest news of the activities of the Islamic Human Rights Commission.
An evening with Mamade Kadreebux talking about his Voyage to the Unknown.
Sign a petition calling for the release of Shaker Aamer.
Dr Mourad Dhina was arrested by the French authorities at Paris Orly airport on Monday 16 January 2012.
Son of human rights activist, 20, tortured and detained despite court ruling for his release
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