From: Islamic Human Rights Commission
17 May 2020
Nigeria Digest #118 (Volume 3 issue 50) – Take Action write to the African Union
Followers of El-Zakzaky #FlyTheFlag in solidarity with Palestine.
You can find all the latest actions and information, as well as background to the campaign and information, videos and audio and details on the Sheikh on the Free Zakzaky campaign page.
Action Alert
This week we are continuing to ask people to write to the African Union and demand their intervention in the case.
During this week #FreeZakzaky protests continued in Nigeria and followers of El-Zakzaky also #FlyTheFlag of Palestine to mark the Al-Nakba and Al-Quds day in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. Find details of how to campaign below.
Please help support those injured by police brutality, and the families of those killed by the security services, by donating to the IHRC Trust Nigeria Fund here.
Above all, please remember all the oppressed in your prayers
Action Alert
Please send an email to the African Union and demand their intervention in this case. A model letter and contact details of the African Union are provided below. Please forward any responses you receive to IHRC at
Model email / letter
If you are emailing, please use the following in the subject line:
Outrage over denial of amnesty for Zakzaky’s amid Covid-19 crisis
Your name
Your address
H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat
Chair African Union Commission
PO Box 3243 Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area) W21K19,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Re: African Union’s Failure To Save Innocent Lives amid Covid-19
Dear H.E. Mousa Faki Mahamat,
I am shocked to find that the Nigerian president’s amnesty on 9 April to 2500 prisoners did not include Sheikh El-Zakzaky and Muallima Zeenah and indeed other political and relevant prisoners.
Sheikh El-Zakzaky and Muallima Zeenah continue to be held in illegal detention despite a 2016 federal high court ruling their detention to be unlawful and unconstitutional. I am writing to you to urge the Nigerian government to release Sheikh Ibraheem el-Zakzaky and his wife Muallima Zeenah immediately. Their continued illegal detention in Kaduna State prison poses a high risk to their health especially in the current Coronavirus climate.
This is a policy that needs to be implemented quickly in Nigeria not just for the Sheikh and his wife, who both have underlying health conditions, for all prisoners wherever possible for the sake of justice in these cases but also the sake of Nigerian society as a whole.
[Signed if posting]
[Your name]
African Union’s Contact Details:
Postal Address: PO Box 3243 Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area) W21K19 Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 11 551 7844
Find all the articles selected this week on our website. Here are a selected few.
Islamic Movement In Nigeria Fly The Flag In Solidarity With Palestine
16 May 2020
Followers of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H), marked a #FlyTheFlag in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine, as today 72nd anniversary of Nakba day. At Fudiyya Abuja, Nigerian Capital City.

Followers of El-Zakzaky #FlyThe Flag of Palestine
15 May 2020
Children from North East Nigeria, #FlyTheFlag for #Palestine as a solidarity for the oppressed nation of Palestine on the #Nakba72 condemning #Covid1948#Israeli.
Followers of El-Zakzaky Distribute Palliatives To The Masses
14 May 2020
Sheikh Zakzaky’s palliative distribution extended to Christians Community in Kaduna. The palliatives is handed to Pastor Yohanna Buru of Christ Evengelical Ministry.
#FlyTheFlag #FreeZakzaky Protest
13 May 2020
#FlyTheFlag #FreeZakzaky protest was staged on 13 May 2020, by the followers of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, at Utako district of FCT Abuja. Demanding the unconditional release of Sheikh Zakzaky, his wife and solidarity with #Palestine.
Find more videos from recent weeks as well as the archives on the Free Zakzaky audio and video page.
Find a selection below.
Click here to read the statement from Nusaibah El Zakzaky: We are not the Shia Movement of Nigeria; we are the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.
Click here to read an overview of the number and nature of atrocities committed by the Abacha and subsequent junta against the Muslim Brothers in Nigeria between April 1997 – September 1998. Published on 21 December 2015.
Follow the IHRC #FreeZakzaky campaign for all the latest action alerts, press releases, reports, background, videos and more.
The Nigeria Digest is a weekly summary of the campaign to free all who are illegally detained focusing on the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.