Forwarded Alert: France – Petition in Support of Houria Bouteldja against Right-wing Persecution

Forwarded Alert: France – Petition in Support of Houria Bouteldja against Right-wing Persecution

The summons is based on comments made on a French television program in which Houria used the term “souchiens,”[1] for “Français de souche”[2]. The initiative originated with the Alliance Générale contre le Racisme et pour le respect de l’Identité Française et chrétienne (Alliance against racism and for the respect of French identity and Christianity), a Toulouse-based splinter group known for taking extremist racist positions.

That the people who perpetrate the worst violence against minorities can present themselves as courageous defenders of the insulted French [white, “de souche”] is not a random fact. It is the sign of a disturbing turn of events. The undersigned declare that they support Houria Bouteldja in her rightful defense against an accusation that insults all of us.

Traduction: Karen Wirsig for the GDT.


INITIAL SIGNATORIES: Alain Badiou, philosopher; Etienne Balibar, philosopher; Saïd Bouamama, sociologist, activist; François Burgat, political scientist; Sharon Courtoux, association Survie; Christine Delphy, research director, CNRS; François Gèze, publisher; Jean-Marie Gleize, writer, university professor; Eric Hazan, publisher; Stéphane Lavignotte, pastor; Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison, academic; Jean-Luc Nancy, philosopher; Jacques Rancière, philosopher; Denis Sieffert, editor-in-chief of Politis; Odile Tobner, author of Du racisme français; Enzo Traverso, political science professor; Antoine Volodine, writer.


Alsoumi Omar, former chairman of GUPS and Generation Palestine
Armelle Andro, teacher, co-organizer of the Research Unit “Demography, Gender and Society” – INED
Paola Bacchetta, sociologist, Berkeley
Mohamed Bensaada, activist QNQF (Northern District)
Pascale Casanova, teacher
Maxime CERVULLE, teacher-researcher
Gregory Chamayou, philosopher, researcher CNRS
Michèle Cohen-Halimi, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Confident Raphael, writer
Cédric Durand, economist
Inez Fisher-Blanchet, historian at the Caribbean-Americas research center
Ramon Grosfoguel, Professor, University of California at Berkeley
Nacira Guénif
Hidouci Ghazi, former Minister of Economy (Algeria)
Hugues Jallon, editor
Razmig Keucheyan, lecturer in sociology
Stefan Kipfer, Professor, York University
Asma Lamrabet, President of GIERFI (international group of study and reflection on women and Islam)
Oruno D. Lara, historian and Director of the Caribbean-Americas Research Center
Laurent Levy, essayist
Raphael Liogier, University Professor, Director of the Observatory of the Religious
Stella Magliani-Belkacem, La fabrique éditions (publication group)
Gustave Massiah, economist
Marwan Mohammed, sociologist
Karine Parrot, Professor of Law
Mathieu Rigouste, social scientist
Joel Roman, philosopher and publisher
Catherine Samary, Lecturer in Economics
Patrick Simon, demographer
Remy Toulouse, editor

[1] An adjective created from the noun “souche” that is a homonym of the word for underdog, “sous-chiens,” which can be used pejoratively – Translator note.

[2] Literally, of French stock; an expression apparently first used by Front National leader Jean-Marie Le Pen in 1979 and understood as a bid to define an authentic, legitimate, white French people (see Collectif les mots sont importants ) – Translator note



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“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”
Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75

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