Mustadafin Foundation, having worked with the destitute and deprived sectors of a diverse community since 1986, realized that not enough was being done for the Muslim Youth in such areas as Boystown, Khayelitsha and Crossroads. The Foundation hence embarked on a project called Adopt a Child on Eid Day, which demonstrates in a practical way the real significance of Eid Day: as a day of sacrifices (Qurban) and its spiritual lessons, a day of joy, celebration and a unique learning experience to be shared with the destitute & deprived of all ages.
On Eid Day the people are allowed to adopt a child for the day and take him/her into their home. This is the second year this project has been running successfully, and 30 children have already been allocated to one family in Worcester. In view of the special significance of Eidul Adha, the Mustadafin Foundation has designated this day for a crossing of the cultural bridge.
Donation of 100 food parcels
Mustadafin Foundation has received the donation of 100 food parcels from an anonymous donor. All these will go toward the Foundation\’s Poverty Relief Project.
Pre-School opening on 12 January 2004
Mustadafin Edu-care in Delft has employed a new teacher, Zogra Joseph, whom we welcome on board.
Mustadafin Foundation is getting donations of clothes, household goods and food every day. Thank you to all those who donate, and facilitate the smooth and successful functioning of the efforts of the Foundation.