Muhsin Kilby joined IHRC to discuss his life long travels to Palestine, his photographs of the holy Land and the changes he has witnessed.
In 2011, renowned photographer Mushin (Jak) Kilby, joined us to talk about his travel and photography in Palestine. Watch the video below and read more about Kilby underneath.
About Mushin Kilby
Kilby’s work has covered a varied spectrum of work including, Art, Theatre, Portraiture, Architecture, and News & Features reportage photography. He has also written in a variety of publications on Jazz, African Music, Jerusalem, and the Palestinian issue. He has travelled extensively in Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Sudan, Egypt), as well as the USA & Canada, Israel & Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and western Europe. Find out more on his site here.
About Ahmed Uddin
Ahmed Uddin is a senior manager at IHRC.
Watch the video HERE.