Author Evening with Muadh Chati: An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith

Author Evening with Muadh Chati: An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith

Join us for an online author evening with Muadh Chati to discuss the compilation, An Introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith VOL 1 (available to purchase from the IHRC Bookshop soon). This discussion will be chaired by Tasha Ahsan.

WHEN: Thursday, 22 August, 6.30pm BST
WHERE: YouTube, Facebook, and IHRC.TV

About the book:

This book begins with an introduction to the codification of hadith, then an appreciation of the critical methodology of the muhaddithun, then a discussion on the common narrators of hadith, and then the entire process of takhrij is explained with a detailed introduction on many different books of hadith. The book contains the biographies of over 25 important scholars of hadith (including Ibn Hajar, Al-Iraqi, Al-Dhahabi, Al-Mizzi, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Sa’d, Al-Suyuti, Al-Bayhaqi, Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, Al-Khatib, Abu Ya’la, Ibn Khuzaymah, Imam Ahmad, Al-Tabarani, Al-Bazzar, Mughlatay, Al-Hakim, Al-Zayla’i, Ibn al-Athir, Muhammad Ibn Sa’d, Al-Haythami, Ibn Abi Shaybah, Al-Harith Ibn Abi Usamah, Musaddad Ibn Musarhad, Al-Daruqutni).

The book is filled with charts, diagrams and pictures of books to give a visual of every book. Not only this, but sample pages of important books are also shown. The important books are also supplemented with a QR code that takes you to the pdfs of these books.

Unlike usual English books, this book maintains the Arabic quotes to give the statements of the scholars an authentic feel with everything referenced. The death dates of scholars are also maintained to allow students to remember their death dates. For those who would like a guide to the book with the author teaching the entire book, the book contains a QR code at the start that will allow you to access this tremendous course which has over 30 hours of content.

About the author: 

Born in Blackburn, Mufti Muadh completed his Islamic educational studies in his local Maktab. In 2006, he went on to complete his Alimiyyah studies at Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda (Blackburn, UK), studying under luminaries such as Mufti Ê¿Abd al-Samad Ahmad Sahib, Mufti Shabbir Ahmad Sahib, Mufti Ikramul Haqq Sahib and Mufti Inayatullah Sahib.

After completing his Alimiyyah and secular studies in 2015, he travelled to South Africa Durban to study Takhassus fi’l Fiqh under the tutelage of the late Mufti Ebrahim Desai rahimahullah. Upon completing his Iftaa studies in 2017, he moved to Benoni in South Africa to study a Takhassus fi’l Hadith course with Mufti Muhammad Ishaq Bhana Sahib and Mufti Bilal Sabir Vahed. He then returned to the UK in 2018.

Currently, he teaches Fiqh and Hadith at Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda (Blackburn). In 2022, he founded to provide access to traditional and academic courses on various Islamic fields for the Muslim community.

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