Faisal Bodi

Faisal Bodi

IHRC demands end to government intimidation of pro-Palestine activists

IHRC has written to the British Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, warning of the chilling implications of the government’s purge on pro-Palestine activists and journalists. Referring to the recent arrests/charging of Craig Murray, Richard Barnard, a co-founder of Palestine Action, Sarah Wilkinson, and fellow journalist cum

Letter to Home Secretary re arrests of pro-Palestine activists

Yvette Cooper The Home Secretary We are writing to express our deep concern over the recent arrests and prosecution of pro-Palestine journalists and activists. They appear to us to signal the beginning of a targeted campaign of intimidation, harassment and persecution by your government aimed

IHRC worried about fate of abducted marchers shot by police

IHRC is extremely concerned about the fate of scores of marchers attacked and/or arrested by police in Nigeria as they took part in Arba’een commemorations in the capital Abuja. Police opened fire at the marchers on Sunday 25 March without warning or provocation as they

IHRC response to The Times re House of Lords allegations

Below is an enquiry from the Times about a complaint made by 50 members of the House of Lords to the Charity Commission alleging anti-Semitism on the part of IHRC.  It is followed by our response. Dear IHRC press office, Hope all is well. I’m

PM Starmer must rein in Israel, not blame Iran

IHRC has written to the PM to express our concerns about the government’s response to Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians and its increasingly belligerent actions taking the region to the brink of a major war. Yesterday, in a joint statement with the leaders of France

Letter to British prime minister Keir Starmer on position towards Iran

Dear Prime Minister We are writing to you to express our concerns about your response to Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians and its increasingly belligerent actions taking the region to the brink of a major war. Yesterday, in your joint statement with the leaders of

Response to the Jewish Chronicle’s staggering enquiry

Dear Ms Prinsley Thank you for your enquiry dated 07/08/2024. We note that having emailed our organisation you then promptly went ahead and published your article in under two hours. By any measure, that is an unfair and insufficient amount of time in which to