Faisal Bodi

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New Zealand terror attacks incited by rampant mainstream Islamophobia

Islamic Human Rights Commission 15 March 2019 PRESS RELEASE The horrific terrorist attacks on innocent worshippers in two New Zealand mosques this morning is the inevitable outcome of the rampant Islamophobia that has been whipped up globally by politicians, far right activists and the media.

Letter to the European Commission

To the European Commission – Directorate of JusticeVěra Jourová, Commissioner on Justice, Consumers and Gender EqualityTommaso Chiamparino, EU Cooridnator on combating anti-Muslim hatred 12 March 2019 Re: Annual Al-Quds Day, London, UKIt has been reported in The Daily Telegraph regarding Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)


What’s New

A preview of forthcoming activities at IHRC and highlights of recent ones AUTHOR EVENING IHRC will be holding an author evening on Thursday 25 April, with Dr Sadek Hamid and Professor Tahir Abbas to discuss their book ‘Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global

IHRC accuses Charity Commission of Islamophobia

Islamic Human Rights Commission 7 March 2019 IHRC has written to the Charity Commission accusing it of Islamophobia and double standards in its dealings with the organisation’s charitable arm. The letter follows communication between the Commission and the Daily Telegraph last week, on the basis

Nigeria: Commonwealth castigated over silence on human rights abuses

The Universal Justice Network has written to the head of the Commonwealth Secretary-General excoriating the organisation for its failure to act on serial human rights abuses in Nigeria. The Commonwealth member has been the subject of repeated complaints over its killings of supporters of the

Hizbullah ban panders to pro-Israel lobby

The decision of the Home Secretary Sajid Javid to place Lebanese group Hizbullah on the list of proscribed organisations under the Terrorism Act 2000 is nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with gagging anyone who supports the struggle for Palestinian rights. Javid’s

What's new

What’s New

Below is a selection of highlights of recent activities and events at IHRC and a preview of some forthcoming ones. Please remember us in your prayers, and consider giving us a donation by any of the methods listed on our website https://www.ihrc.org.uk/get-involved/donate/     REPORTS