Faisal Bodi

Aldi challenged to come clean over Medjool dates

IHRC and Inminds Human Rights Group have challenged Aldi to come clean about the origin of Medjool dates being sold by the supermarket chain. After customers picked up on the Israeli bar code of the dates sold at the start of Ramadan, iHRC wrote to

Letter challenging Aldi to come clean about Medjool dates

We are writing to seek an explanation from Aldi as to why you appear to be intentionally misleading customers about the origin of your medjool dates. In a reply to an earlier query by IHRC dated 8 February 2024 you stated that the medjool dates

Pro Palestine rally will be as vocal and trenchant as ever

Organisers of tomorrow’s Al-Quds Day event are resisting calls to tone down the event for fear that it may cause offence to pro-Israel groups. The annual rally and march in support of Palestinian rights is set to attract a huge number of participants this year

Police urged to change heavy-handed tactics for Al-Quds Day march

A number of organisations have sent a strongly worded letter to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner demanding that he fulfils his responsibility to ensure that Friday’s Al-Quds Day event is policed independently without fear or favour. The letter comes in the wake of an increasing number

Letter to Metropolitan Police re policing Al-Quds Day march

Sir Mark Rowley Metropolitan Police Commissioner New Scotland Yard 8-10 Broadway London SW1H 0AZ   28 March 2024   mark.rowley@met.police.uk   Dear Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, We are writing ahead of the annual al-Quds Day march on April 5 to register our concern with the

Reply to Jewish Chronicle re Al-Quds Day questions

This is the email from the Jewish Chronicle, followed by IHRC’s reply Hi there, I’m a reporter at the Jewish Chronicle newspaper and am getting in touch about the forthcoming Al Quds Day March, which you have organised. What do you have to say to