Faisal Bodi


IHRC rejects Telegraph assertion regarding London mayor

On 26 Feb 2024, The Telegraph published an article claiming Sadiq Khan ‘was shortlisted as “Islamophobe of the year” by the Islamic Human Rights Commission for his efforts to proscribe the political wing of Hezbollah.’ We reject this claim. Khan was nominated for the Islamophobia


Annual al-Quds Day rally set for April 5th

The annual Al-Quds rally in support of the Palestinian people will take place this year on 5th April. The date has been set in coordination with other pro-Palestinian groups for the last Friday in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the day traditionally set aside

Politicians fuel Islamophobia to conceal Zionist agenda

The sight of MPs tying themselves in knots to deflect accusations that they undermined the democratic process to advance the interests of their Zionist paymasters would be amusing if it didn’t carry real everyday consequences for Muslims. When it became clear that the initial explanation


Charity watchdog pressed again to act against Israeli army fundraisers

IHRC has pressed the Charity Commission to take firm and immediate action against Zionist charities in England that are openly raising funds for the Israeli army, despite the Commission having stated that is is against the rules for registered charities. In a response to IHRC

Anti-Zionism tribunal decision makes workplaces safer spaces

The decision by an employment tribunal yesterday that anti-Zionist views are protected under equality law is a significant milestone for Palestinian liberation advocates operating in England and Wales. In deciding that the University of Bristol unlawfully sacked and discriminated against Prof. David Miller the law

IHRC demands Aldi withdraws unmarked Israeli dates

IHRC is demanding that the supermarket chain Aldi remove Israeli dates from its British stores that do not carry the country of origin on the packaging. In a strongly worded letter to Aldi today IHRC accuses the retailer of deliberately concealing the origin of its

Letter to Aldi re sale of unmarked Israeli dates

CEO Giles Hurley Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ   customer.service@aldi.co.uk   alditeam@clarioncomms.co.uk (media team)   Dear Sir,   We are writing to protest in the strongest possible terms at what we believe is a deliberate attempt by Aldi to conceal the origin of its