Faisal Bodi

Clarification regarding Palestinian dates sold by Sofra

We are aware of information circulating on social media platforms surrounding the status of Medjool dates sold under the Sofra brand name. Allegations that this is a front for an Israeli company are unfounded and should be ignored. We are currently carrying out a full


Regulator urged to act over Jewish charities supplying Israeli army

Over 20 civil society organisations and activists have written to the Charity Commission today asking the watchdog what action it has taken against two British registered charities that are supplying combat equipment to the Israeli army, in apparent contravention of Charity Commission regulations. The complaint

ICJ decision does not protect Palestinians from genocide

Today’s decision by the International Court of Justice that Israel has a right to wage war in Gaza but that it should take care to ensure it does not commit genocidal acts falls far short of what is required to rein in the apartheid regime.


IHRC files complaint re UK charity helping Israeli soldiers in Gaza

IHRC has submitted a formal complaint to the Charity Commission to complain about the activities of UK Toremet, a British registered charity that continues to facilitate the supply of materials to the Israeli army, in apparent contravention of Charity Commission regulations. UK Toremet serves as


Complaint to Charity Commission re UK Toremet

IHRC wrote to the Charity Commission on 19 January 2024 regarding fundraising for the Israeli Defense Forces being facilitated by a UK based charity, UK Toremet (charity registration number 1140972). The text of the letter is pasted below. We are compelled to write to you

Gaza to be focus of 2024 Genocide Memorial Day

The ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip will form the focus of the 15th Genocide Memorial Day to be held later this month. The Israeli assault on Gaza, its people and infrastructure, which has so far led to the deaths of over 24,000 people, the

Hizb ut-Tahrir ban seeks to cover blood-soaked UK foreign policy

The government decision to proscribe as “terrorist” the political group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, is an authoritarian and flagrantly Islamophobic act that seeks to stifle opposition to the Israeli genocide in Gaza. By banning an organisation that the government itself has acknowledged is non-violent, British authorities are