Faisal Bodi

IHRC condemns US/UK led attack on Yemen

IHRC condemns in the strongest possible terms the military attack launched by US/UK led forces overnight on Yemen. In the context of the ongoing genocide by Israeli forces in Gaza the escalation is inflammatory and perverse. At a time when western powers should be reining

Letter urges Indonesian president to protect rights of Rohingya refugees

IHRC is co-heading an appeal to the Indonesian president to take immediate action to protect Rohingya refugees facing violence, intimidation and hostility from its people and institutions. Disturbing footage aired across mainstream and social media has shown Rohingyas, who have fled persecution from Myanmar, being

Letter to Indonesian president re mistreatment of Rohingya refugees

E. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia Istana Merdeka Jakarta Pusat 10110 Indonesia   Universal Justice Network   P E N A N G  S E C R E T A R I A T                                                                   L O N D O N  S E

Gaza to be focus of 2024 Genocide Memorial Day

The ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip will form the focus of the 15th Genocide Memorial Day to be held later this month. The Israeli assault on Gaza, its people, infrastructure and essential services, which has so far led to the deaths of over 20,000

Police must arrest Zionist protestors for racial slurs

IHRC has again written to the head of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, to protest about the force’s application of double standards in its policing of pro-Palestine demonstrations in the capital. The letter points to the Met’s failure to arrest pro-Israel marchers who directed

Letter to Metropolitan Police Commissioner

Sir Mark Rowley Metropolitan Police Commissioner New Scotland Yard, 8-10, Broadway, London, SW1H 0AZ   21 December 2023 mark.rowley@met.police.uk   Dear Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, We write further to our letter dated 8 December 2023 and the email from Inspector Abdul-Hamid. We are concerned that