Faisal Bodi

Genocide Memorial Day to highlight Gaza as textbook genocide

The 15th Genocide Memorial Day (GMD), the annual commemoration of global genocides both current and past, will focus on the ongoing Israeli assault on occupied Gaza as a quintessential example of genocide. Israeli jets, warship and ground forces continue to wantonly pound the civilian population

Metropolitan Police accused of racialising Palestine demonstrations

Twelve British human rights and media organisations have written to the head of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, to protest about the force’s handling of pro-Palestine demonstrations in the capital. They accuse the Metropolitan Police, itself reeling under recent racism scandals, of bias in

New anti-Israeli boycott list issued

IHRC and InMinds have launched a new series of leaflets identifying companies for boycott because of their continued support for the apartheid state of Israel. The companies have all been selected on the basis of their size and the level of support they have provided

Wembley Stadium

FA asked to explain Palestinians’ omission from minute’s silence

IHRC has asked the Football Association to explain why it excluded Palestinians killed in the conflict in the holy land from a one minute’s silence it held for victims ahead of the recent international match between England and Italy. The silence was held to remember

Global call for UN to act now over Gaza war crimes

Over 300 prominent activists, politicians, academic and religious figures from all over the world have come together to make an urgent plea to the United Nations to use its offices to bring an immediate end to the “bloodbath” in Gaza. Spearheaded by the IHRC, the

IHRC refers European states’ attacks on Palestine supporters to UN

In view of the deteriorating climate for human rights activists in Europe supporting Palestine, IHRC has today written to the United Nations seeking its intervention to protect fundamental human rights. The letter serves notice of our intention to document the attacks on freedoms by the

Sheikh Zakzaky arrives in Iran for medical treatment

After a long battle with the Nigerian authorities to recover their travel documents the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim el-Zakzaky has arrived in Iran together with his wife to receive much needed medical treatment. The pair touched down in Tehran on