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Genocide Memorial Day 2022: How states sanitise genocide and genocidal acts

Watch the event below. WHEN: Sunday 16 January 2022, 1pm UK time WHERE: Online,, YouTube and Facebook THEME: How states sanitise genocide and genocidal acts SPEAKERS: TBC Wherever and whenever genocidal acts have been committed the perpetrators have made great efforts to conceal, justify

REMINDER: Annual Poetry Competition

Do not miss your chance to win a trip to Bosnia! Ensure you don’t miss our annual Poetry Competition deadline! Young people in the UK have until 19th December 2021 to submit their poems.  The competition is open to anyone in the UK aged 11

Poetry Competition for 2021- Deadline extension

NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE: 05 April 2021 Please note that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the main prize may be postponed, changed or substituted for one chosen by the organisers. The date for final submissions to the 2021 competition is 5th April 2021. The rules, terms and

Genocide Memorial Day – London, UK

IHRC are pleased to announce its 12th annual Genocide Memorial Day. Watch it on this page or from 1pm GMT on Sunday 17th January 2021. Please share this page. The topic of this year’s event is Starting Genocide: Demonisation. Demonisation forms part of the

VIDEO: Why join Genocide Memorial Day this Sunday?

Sunday 17 January 2021 is Genocide Memorial Day. This year, due to Covid-19, the event will be held online. Join us from 1pm GMT for the premiere of this year’s speakers’ presentations on ‘The prelude to Genocide: Demonisation’. Massoud Shadjareh explains the significance of the

Poetry Competition for 2021- Deadline extension

Poetry Competition for 2021– Deadline extension Due to the current situation with COVID we are aware that teachers and schools are under a lot of pressure. This may not have given the right opportunity for many to utilise the GMD resources and speak to the

Commemorating Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass

This month marks the 82nd anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass. This tragic event marked a turning point towards a more violent and repressive treatment of Jews leading finally to the Holocaust. We think that it is important to reflect on the events that