IHRC Bookshop

Dhul Hijjah 2023

The month of Dhul Hijjah has arrived, we nearing the end of the blessed ten days and Eid al-Adha is upon us. Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No good deeds are better than what is done in these

Palestine Flag Display – Timeline of Events

Every Ramadan, the IHRC Bookshop and Gallery displays Palestinian flags that are sold as campaign materials for those working for Palestinian liberation and the end of Israeli apartheid. This year, we experienced a campaign of harassment and threats because of this display.  This has included

Remembering Victims of Aggression

We hope you are all well. Today is International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. It is a United Nations observance held on 4 June every year. It was established on 19 August 1982. Initially focused on victims of the 1982 Lebanon War, its purpose expanded to “acknowledge the

Ramadan – The Last 10 Days of Protection

May Allah keep you safe and accept your fast and worship in this blessed month. May Allah accept your fasting and worship during this blessed time. We have reached the last 10 days of Ramadan which are the days of safety and protection from the Hellfire.

Ramadan – Second 10 Days of Forgiveness

May Allah accept your fasting and worship during this blessed time. The first ten days of Ramadan were days of mercy and we have now entered the second ten days which are days of Allah’s forgiveness. During this blessed month, IHRC Bookshop & Gallery are offering 15%

Ramadan – First 10 Days of Mercy

Ramadan mubarak! The first ten days of Ramadan are the days of Allah’s Mercy. During this blessed month, IHRC Bookshop & Gallery are offering 15% discount off all Islamic books. The discount code is 4RAMADAN23. Scroll down and see some of the books we have

Road to Ramadan

There are a number announcements that we would like to share with you. Author Evening with Shahd Alshammari – Head Above Water Head Above Water takes us into a space of intimate conversations on illness and society’s stigmatization of disabled bodies. We are invited in to

Decolonise the Mind

We have a number of announcements for you. Author Evening with Andrew Booso – The Book of Wisdoms Join us today for an author evening with Andrew Booso, to discuss the book, The Book Of Wisdoms [Kitab al-Hikam with Ikmal al-Shiyam] – A Collection of Sufi