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Black History Month

IHRC Bookshop & Gallery have a few announcements. Author Evening with Dr Rob Faure Walker Join us for an online author evening with Dr Rob Faure Walker to discuss his book, The Emergence of ‘Extremism’. The book will be available to purchase from the IHRC Bookshop.

Muharram 2021

IHRC Bookshop are offering 15% discount off all items during the month of Muharram. The discount code is M2021. Sale ends on 7th September. To check out our website, click here. Below are a few books we have in store: The Story of Ashura / Mohammad Bahmanpour This book is an

Dhul Hijjah 2021

Prisoner Packs For Eid al-Adha, IHRC sent prison packs to HMP Humber. Each pack contained: A Place of Refuge by Asmaa Hussein, sweets, a prayer bead and a perfume block. Muslim prisoners tend to be isolated from the wider community and have a difficult time practising their

Dhul Hijjah Is Almost Upon Us

The month of Dhul Hijjah is around the corner and IHRC Bookshop & Gallery have a few announcements. Hajj Sale Our Hajj Sale is now on and all items are 15% off until 23 July. The discount code is HAJJ2021 and can only be used once by each

Poetry Competition for 2021- Deadline extension

NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE: 05 April 2021 Please note that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the main prize may be postponed, changed or substituted for one chosen by the organisers. The date for final submissions to the 2021 competition is 5th April 2021. The rules, terms and

Colonial and Decolonial in Venezuela

Watch these short videos from Ramon Grosfoguel discussing the colonial and racist attacks on Venezuela, and the possibilities of decolonial resistance. Is Venezuela Decolonial? On the Attacks on Venezuela: a Decolonial View

Why the USA? – Lockdown3 Blog #2

Some thoughts on the USA and its role in the world. Short and long reads, videos, news clips and audios. If you wan to support our work tackling gross human rights violations in different parts of the world, please visit for relevant books and titles, or the

Genocide Memorial Day – London, UK

IHRC are pleased to announce its 12th annual Genocide Memorial Day. Watch it on this page or from 1pm GMT on Sunday 17th January 2021. Please share this page. The topic of this year’s event is Starting Genocide: Demonisation. Demonisation forms part of the