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Prisoners of Faith & the Struggle for Freedom 

As the year draws to an end we would like to remind and raise awareness of the struggles of those who have been unjustly imprisoned. Scroll down to see news, announcements and recommended books related to prisoners. Little Heroes, Big Voices: Poems for Palestine Workshop

Combating Islamophobia

The Islamic Human Rights Commission has been committed to fighting Islamophobia since its inception. On the eve of this year’s Islamophobia Conference, we have outlined resources and books published by IHRC that we recommend for you. Please scroll down to see. Islamophobia Conference 2024 Since 2014,

Islamophobia Awareness

Islamophobia Awareness Month (IAM) is celebrated every November in the UK to raise awareness of Islamophobia and the discrimination faced by Muslims. It also aims to highlight the positive contributions of British Muslims to society. IAM was co-founded in 2012 by Muslim Engagement and Development

Celebrating the Works and Contribution of Writers

Today is National Author’s Day in the UK which celebrates all the creative mind, their life, penmanship, legacy, and the impact they have on our lives and wider society. Here are some ways to celebrate National Author’s Day: Purchase books or read the books you currently

Reflecting on Colonialism and Black History

We are halfway through Black History Month and Columbus Day is approaching which honours the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. Some people do not observe Columbus Day at all, citing the lasting harm Indigenous tribes suffered because of Columbus’s contributions to the European colonization of the

World Mental Health Day

With 20% of UK employees taking leave due to stress last year, it’s clear workplace mental health must be a priority. Burnout is becoming a significant challenge in our workforce. For this reason this year’s World Mental Health Day, which is today, is focused on

Birth of the Prophet ﷺ

Mawlid al-Nabi has arrived. The Mawlid is the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ï·º. Observed by many Muslims around the world, it typically takes place on Rabi’ al-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. The day is marked by various traditions, such

Back to School

Summer holidays have ended and children will be going back to school this month. IHRC Bookshop advocates the importance of educating ourselves regardless of age, gender and background. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated that: “seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim.”  Malcolm X stated