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Contemporary Struggles Book Recommendations 

We hope you are well and safe. We have a few updates for you. Author Evening with Aliyah Umm Raiyaan: The Power of Du’a Join us for an intimate and exclusive author evening with Aliyah Umm Raiyaan to discuss her new book, The Power of Du’a. This

Gaza to be focus of 2024 Genocide Memorial Day

The ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip will form the focus of the 15th Genocide Memorial Day to be held later this month. The Israeli assault on Gaza, its people, infrastructure and essential services, which has so far led to the deaths of over 20,000

End of Year 2023

As the year in the Western Gregorian calendar draws to a close, we have a few announcements for you including upcoming events for the new year. Genocide Memorial Day 2024 Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is pleased to announce its 15th annual Genocide Memorial Day, which will be

Genocide Memorial Day to highlight Gaza as textbook genocide

The 15th Genocide Memorial Day (GMD), the annual commemoration of global genocides both current and past, will focus on the ongoing Israeli assault on occupied Gaza as a quintessential example of genocide. Israeli jets, warship and ground forces continue to wantonly pound the civilian population

Islamophobia Awareness Month

Since its conception in 2012, every November has marked Islamophobia Awareness Month (IAM). IAM is a campaign dedicated to highlighting the prevalence of Islamophobic prejudice in British society. Yet, it also aims to challenge the stereotypes surrounding Muslims by showcasing the positive contributions that they

Decolonize the Mind – A Decolonial and Palestine Reading List

We have prepared a reading list of decolonial and Palestine related literature that are available at IHRC Bookshop. Please scroll down to have a look. For more books, click here. Applications for Summer School in Granada are now open! The Center of Study and Investigation

Palestine Book Recommendations

Due to current events, we have prepared a reading list of books available at IHRC Bookshop regarding Palestine. Please scroll down to see the recommended books. Palestine Appeal Through our projects in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), IHRC work with trusted and experienced local partners