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Ramadan – Second 10 Days of Forgiveness

May Allah accept your fasting and worship during this blessed time. The first ten days of Ramadan were days of mercy and we have now entered the second ten days which are days of Allah’s forgiveness. During this blessed month, IHRC Bookshop & Gallery are offering 15%

Ramadan – First 10 Days of Mercy

Ramadan mubarak! The first ten days of Ramadan are the days of Allah’s Mercy. During this blessed month, IHRC Bookshop & Gallery are offering 15% discount off all Islamic books. The discount code is 4RAMADAN23. Scroll down and see some of the books we have

Road to Ramadan

There are a number announcements that we would like to share with you. Author Evening with Shahd Alshammari – Head Above Water Head Above Water takes us into a space of intimate conversations on illness and society’s stigmatization of disabled bodies. We are invited in to

Event Report: Genocide Memorial Day 2023, London

On Sunday, 15th January 2023, the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) held its annual Genocide Memorial Day which featured a number of speakers, all of whom were experts in the fields of international conflicts, human rights and decolonial studies. WATCH THE FULL EVENT:   This

Decolonise the Mind

We have a number of announcements for you. Author Evening with Andrew Booso – The Book of Wisdoms Join us today for an author evening with Andrew Booso, to discuss the book, The Book Of Wisdoms [Kitab al-Hikam with Ikmal al-Shiyam] – A Collection of Sufi

Genocide Memorial Day 2023, Geneva

If you miss the Genocide Memorial Day 2023 event in Geneva, you can now watch it here Join IHRC and FICA for the Genocide Memorial Day in Geneva: Tools of Genocide: demonisation and otherisation of minorities WHEN: Saturday, 21st January 2023, 6pm, Geneva WHERE: FICA

Watch our Genocide Memorial Day 2023 event

Did you miss it? You can now watch our Genocide Memorial Day 2023 event here. Alternatively, you can use other platforms to watch the excellent presentations of our speakers on our YouTube and Facebook channels. Please also visit the GMD page to find other resources, such as lesson plans and our

Hadith and Islam-related Books in Stock!

We have a couple of announcements as well as various Islamic and hadith books that we have in stock which we want to share with you. Author Evening with Shaykh Omar Subedar Join us today for an author evening with Shaykh Omar Subedar who will